Shungite Tolvu store accept product returns for any reason. You can return your item within 30 days if you have not used your item. The return address is indicated on the postal package that you received from us. Please contact us to get a return address for your order if you have disposed of the postal package.

Also you can return your product if it damaged during transportation. In addition, you can issue a refund for any reason, if this product was in stock at the time of placing your order. If your order was made as privat order (according to your individual sizes or requirements), then this product is accepted for return an agreement of both parties. These agreements are our store and you.

We pay for return shipping for our customers if the item you received does not match the description.

For example, you paid for a shungite pendant, but received a shungite ball from us. Please note that all our products are handmade. Therefore, the sizes of each product are unique and may vary slightly by 10% up or down.

If your product has significant differences in size, for example, you paid for a 2.8 inch shungite pyramid but received a 2.6 inch pyramid, then this is also the basis for a free retern.

We will send the paid postal label via email in case of return of your product. You only need to print this postal label and paste it on your package with the return of the goods. After we receive the return of the goods in our warehouse, we will make a full refund of your funds, within 3 working days after your order has been delivered to our return address.

In any other cases, return shipping is paid by the buyer.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us via the feedback form in the – contact us.